Runtriz Getting Started Guide

Section 1: Content

This section is intended as an overview of basic and advanced features found within the Portal's Content Management System (CMS). The CMS allows you to control most of the content that's displayed on your app. Select any of the blue text in the sections below to view additional instructions in a new tab.

Portal Login

Before you begin! Please login to the Runtriz Portal using the Portal URL and credentials provided to you.



Navigation is the main area for creating and maintaining content in your app.



Pages are areas in the app that hold content. Your app's start Page is always the "Application" Page.

Basic Page Basic Page 2

Page Items

Page Items are different types of content that you can add to a page.

Page Items Page Items 2

Page Properties

Page Properties are tools that allow you to customize the page types, titles, images and more.

Page Properties



Images allow you to add an image to any Page or Page Item.

Content Images

Content Images


Languages allow you to translate your app into 70 different languages.

All content can be translated directly in the Finder app, and other parts of the app can be translated under Content > Translations.


If your item is a place, you can enter the address so that your guests can get directions and even request an Uber!

Advance Options - Location

If your item has contact info, add it here so your guests can easily call, email, and go to the website.

Advance Options - Contact

Attach files that you would like your guests to access.

Advance Options - Files

Add links to any website.

Advance Options - Links *We, however, recommend using mobile-friendly sites.