Our guest is having trouble logging in to the app

If your guest is having difficulty logging into the application, please review the following:

  • Are they registered in your property management system (PMS) as a checked-in guest?

  • Check for spelling errors. Ask the guest exactly the credentials they are logging in with. Then, check those against your PMS. If they don't match, this is why they can't log in.

  • Try logging in as the guest on another device or use the web view. If you can log in, then assist the guest on their device.

  • If you are using Opera report scheduler - check the integrated guest list in the portal. Is the guest listed? If not, check Opera and make sure reports are emailed and being sent to Runtriz.

If you are still having issues after reviewing the above items, contact us at [email protected] and please include as much detail as possible.