How do I set up Request Alerts (email notifications)?

Set up Request Alerts to email your staff when a guest has submitted a request or message. Adjust alerts for immediate notification or as an escalation notification.

Navigate to Request Alerts in the Staff Management section. Alerts may also be accessed in individual Teams.

Add Staff to Request Alerts

Navigate to the team and cart you wish to edit notifications for, then choose whether you would like to edit Request Alerts (left column) or Message Alerts (right column).

Request Alerts: Notifies staff when a guest submits a new and/or unfulfilled request.

Message Alerts: Notifies staff when a guest submits a new message or when a message has not been opened.

Adjust Active Time: Default is 24 hour alerts. If necessary, select edit and drag the ends to adjust the activated time period for this Alert. For example, if you choose an active time between 8am to 6pm, you will only receive email Alerts made during that time period. You will not receive any email Alerts for a request or message submitted outside of the selected time period (note: guests are still able to submit requests/messages).

Apply Alerts to Users: Check off delay time boxes according to user email listed.

  • Immediate: Email Alert is sent when a guest submits a new request/message.

  • 5min: Email Alert is sent 5 minutes after a new request/message has not been opened.

  • 10min: Email Alert is sent 10 minutes after a new request/message has not been opened.

  • 15min: Email Alert is sent 15 minutes after a request/message has not been opened.

  • Add: Email Alert is sent ___ minutes after a request/message has has not been opened.


(Example above only demonstrates setting up Alerts for Requests)

Remove Staff from Request Alerts

Simply uncheck all boxes lined up with staff members' email addresses and save.