Analytics Overview

The Analytics features measures the level of interaction each user has with the application. It also gathers information such as device type, the number of touches the user made, the type of request submitted and more. All this information can be used to measure the success of your app and draw patterns in guest behavior.

Guest Analytics

The Date Range filters allow you to display analytics from the desired date range. You must use the custom filter to display today's data, however, keep in mind that the analytics may not be complete for the day.

  • Active Users - Count of unique devices that entered app and clicked one or more times on Category, Item or Link.

  • Requests - Count of requests that were submitted by guests.

  • Revenue - Revenue generated by requests that have attacehed costs or fees (such as room service, upgrades, etc.).

User Conversion

  • Total Devices - Count of unique devices that actively used the app regardless of when they registered their device.

  • Bounced - Count of unique devices that entered app and left without clicking anything.

  • Active - Count of unique devices that entered app and clicked one or more times on Category, Item or Link.

  • Average Clicks - Count of clicks over total number of Active Users.

Traffic Sources

  • Wifi - Number of users who access your app through the Wi-Fi splash page.

  • Native - Number of users who are accessing your property's app through a brand/corporate level-native app.

  • Unknown - Number of users who are simply accessing the app through the general app link without any sourcing tags.

Item Conversion

Item Conversion displays users' level of engagement with your app's Item content.

For more information, see Item Conversion.

Request Conversion

Request Conversion displays count of requests submitted and conversion ratio based on if user started and submitted request form.

For more information, see Request Conversion.

Item Views

  • Views - Count of Item loads

Page Views

  • Impressions - Count of Page loads

Device Usage

This chart/table breaks down the different devices guests used to access the app.

Staff Analytics

Staff Analytics lists each request along with details on when requests were opened, put into progress, closed and more.