Analytics - Request Conversion table

  This product is currently in Beta testing and may not precisely reflect the correct data

The Request Conversion table measures the success of requestable items in your app. Every time a user starts to request an item, a "new" conversion is started. Once they submit the request to your RMS, it is considered "completed".

Request Conversion: Number of users who started request divided by Number of users who successfully completed request

Each item has a Conversion Percentage and Form Report.

If an item is Directly Requestable it means it has no form steps for the guest to fill out and will always have a 100% conversion rate. The conversion report column will simply show "Direct" and will not contain a Form Report.

Request conversion for an Item can never be above 100%_

Example Request Conversion table

What is the Conversion Report?

Under CONVERSION % you can select () to open the Conversion Report which reveals how far users got through the item's forms before cancelling the request.

What is the Form Report?

Each non-direct item has a Form Report that you can use to review your forms responses, including the most popular ones.