How to Manage Requests

Guide Overview

Alert for new request
The stages of a request
View a request
Complete a request

Alert for New Requests

Having the platform launched during all times will ensure that your staff is receiving the initial notifications listed below. If the platform is not open, then the alerts will not be activated and will result in extra steps of having your staff check emails for notifications.

  1. Notification sound

  2. Notification tag in upper right hand corner of monitor

  3. Flashing tab with “!! NEW !!” label

Notification bar

Each request has three stages:

1. Open

2. In Progress

3. Complete

Individual request tickets can be found on the left-hand side. Click on the request ticket to see Request Details.

A blue box represents the progress made and which stage the request ticket is in. A white box represents the next stage.

Progress Bar

Open. Means that the request is new and has not been fulfilled or assigned to a staff member. All request tickets are automatically marked "Open" once they are clicked on. NOTE: You cannot unmark a ticket.

In Progress. Selecting this will automatically assign the request ticket to the user account you are using. Do not select this unless you intend to fulfill this request order. Use the messaging tool to respond to guests.

Complete. Selecting "Complete" means you have completely fulfilled the request/order. It will automatically archive the ticket. You can always use the "Show Closed" filter to view the ticket again. The messaging tool remain functional.

Request Details